About Us
About Us
 Thermolok InCide pest control (PC) insulation is a unique product that provides both high thermal performance with the advantage of pest control.
Thermolok InCide pest control (PC) insulation is a unique product that provides both high thermal performance with the advantage of pest control.
2015年02月19日 13:41:37
Thermolok InCide pest control (PC) insulation is a unique product that provides both high thermal performance with the advantage of pest control. InCide PC insulation meets the safety standards of the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commision (CPSC) 16CFR Section 1209. American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) C739. Our products are treated with EPA registered insecticide, wood preservatives, and fungicide for use in cellulose insulation that is 100% boron in content.
 Over 12,000 ASTM standards operate globally.
Over 12,000 ASTM standards operate globally.
2015年02月19日 13:33:01
Over 12,000 ASTM standards operate globally. Defined and set by us, they improve the lives of millions every day. Combined with our innovative business services, ASTM standards enhance performance and help everyone have confidence in the things they buy and use – from the toy in a child's hand to the aircraft overhead. Working across borders, disciplines and industries we harness the expertise of over 30,000 members to create consensus and improve performance in manufacturing and materials, products and processes, systems and services. Understanding commercial needs and consumer priorities, we touch every part of everyday life: helping our world work better.
2015年02月18日 17:00:00
歡迎有志為綠建材努力的夥伴加入奮鬥打拼行列!1.會計助理/勤勞肯學習/國貿經驗/基本英文對話/工作經驗5年以上。2.業務專員/建築-建材-建設材料工程經驗5年以上。3.現場監工/工程技師/有建築工程-輕隔間施作.監工者/10年以上經驗。4.室內裝修設計師case by case的方式,共同推廣這具科技又環保的建材。
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